
Report work activity directly from the location of the visit

What is Canvasing or Field Trips? With the Visit Monitor Application, the Team is Easier and Monitored

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

The Em-HR visit feature helps superiors monitor employee visits or field work

In the world of sales, distribution of goods and services, and services, direct visit activities are needed that involve certain workers to convey information, messages and certain products to reach their distributors or consumers directly. The wider the spread of a product, the more involved labor is needed. Such as sales, marketing, canvasers, trainers, technicians, surveyors etc. All these professions certainly have various kinds of obstacles while working in the field, including documentation that is not recorded properly, inaccurate reports, limited time in administration, many locations or places visited but not recorded properly and neatly. This certainly makes it difficult for companies to accelerate faster in developing their companies.

By utilizing efficient information technology all these obstacles can be overcome easily and get more benefits. Visit is one of the features contained in the Em-HR application, this feature has a function as a tool and means that connects field workers with companies in reporting their activities.

What are the advantages of this VISIT feature, among others:

1. Recording the location of the visit via GPS

2. Setting the location of the visit such as locking the location that is allowed to be visited

    or can't be visited

3. Added activity schedule

4. Image documentation

5. PIC signature

6. Visit weight

7. Visit dashboard

To enjoy this feature, users only need to register for the company then download and install the application and then get a free 30-day trial of the application. Download the application here


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3 Comment
Lingga Asmara
HRIS yang ok...
1 year ago
sangat membantu canvaser dan sales kami, recomended
2 years ago
Rian Pratama
Alhamdulillah bisa saya dan tim bisa menggunakan fitur visit em-hr komplit bgt
2 years ago
sangat membantu canvaser dan sales kami, recomended
2 years ago
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