Leave & Permit Management

For employee who will apply for leave or for permission

Getting to Know Employee Leave at the Company

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Leave is known to the general public as a vacation activity from a temporary work routine for a certain period of time, this is because it is tied to work or worker responsibilities. Leave is usually used by a worker for personal/family matters or certain businesses that take advantage of their rights as workers in a company. The types of leave include annual leave, maternity leave and other leave

Leave rules according to the Labor Law

One of the regulations regarding the annual leave of private employees is the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower (Labor Law).

Pasal 79 of the regulation stipulates that employers are obligated to give workers/laborers time to rest and leave.

The rest and leave times, including the types of leave for private employees include:

1. Rest between working hours, at least half an hour after working for 4 hours continuously and the rest time does not include working hours.

2. Weekly rest 1 day for 6 working days in 1 week or 2 days for 5 working days in 1 week

3. Annual leave, at least 12 working days after the worker/laborer concerned has worked for 12 months continuously.

4. Long break of at least 2 months and carried out in the seventh and eighth years of 1 month each for workers/laborers who have worked continuously for 6 years at the same company provided that the worker/labourer is no longer entitled to his annual rest in 2 years running and thereafter valid for every multiple of 6 years of service.

Furthermore, the rules for annual leave are more technically regulated in work agreements, company regulations or collective work agreements.

Meanwhile, the right of long rest only applies to workers/laborers who work in certain companies which are regulated by a decree of the Minister.

Furthermore, there is also menstrual leave and maternity leave which includes various kinds of employee leave. Pasal 81 of the Manpower Law stipulates that female workers/laborers who feel pain during menstruation and notify the entrepreneur are not obliged to work on the first and second day of menstruation.

Then, Pasal 82 mandates that female workers/labourers are entitled to a break for 1.5 months before the time to give birth to a child and 1.5 months after giving birth according to the calculation of the obstetrician or midwife.

Female workers/laborers who experience a miscarriage are also entitled to a 1.5-month break or according to a certificate from an obstetrician or midwife.

Then Pasal 84 confirms that every worker/ laborer who uses the right to rest time is entitled to full wages.

*Quoted from various sources



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