Career Management & Grading

Recording employee career journey in the company

Employee Career Data Collection Helps HRD Find the Best Candidates

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Employee career development is needed by the company to find the best candidate who will become the next leader to carry out strategic positions for the company's progress. The need for employee candidates goes hand in hand with the development of the company. This recruitment process can be taken by external companies by opening vacancies, but ideally for companies that are already mature prioritize the next leader taken from internal companies due to various considerations such as understanding company culture, experience while working in the company, good communication between leaders so that the candidate's efforts to re-adapt are no longer necessary.

The career development of the company's internal employees needs to do a good data collection to support the company's management to decide who can become the needed candidates. Using a reference manual, this is very difficult to do because of the limited time and tools to record and validate accurate data. Utilization of the Em-HR system allows the company's HRD to easily search for prospective candidates on stored employee data including employee career histories while working in the company. Intrigued by the Em-HR application, try the application for free here...


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HRIS yang ok...
1 year ago
andre silalahi
sangat menyenangkan dapat menggunakan super tool ini, thanks em-hr
2 years ago
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